Sunday, October 17, 2010

India --- here comes Dathan....

So Dathan's work decided it might be a fun experience for him to go to India for 3 weeks. We took him to the airport Friday night to catch his flight at 10 pm. He had a long long trip ahead of him. His first flight was 6 hours long and he landed in the UK. Then he jumped on a flight for another 10 hours to get to Mumbai, India. When the flight landed they put him in a Taxi and went on a 4 hour drive just to get to his hotel. Talk about a long trip. He finally sent me a message Saturday night around 8:30 pm our time saying that he had arrived safe and sound. 22 hours later and he is hanging out trying to get used to the time difference. They are 9 and a half hours ahead of us so when he got there it was about 5:30 am on Sunday morning. With him traveling out there we aren't able to talk on our phones and text because it costs so much so we jumped on the bandwagon and downloaded skype on our computers. Now we are looking forward to skyping with everyone when we get a chance. On a side note, my mom decided to surprise me and bought a ticket to fly out here and hang with us for a week while Dathan is gone. She'll be here Wednesday and I am sooo sooo excited to see her. Well that's all for now, thought I would let everyone know what's going on..

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