Friday, September 17, 2010

It's been a long time...

So I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything on here. I am kind of new at this so it might take some getting used to. So this post is going to be a lot of stuff all in one.

First off we officially bought and moved into our new hous
e in May.

My sister Jenny came out to visit at the end of May and it was soo much fun. Then on June 3rd our sweet little Kamryn Grace Allen was born weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz and she is just adorable, we just love her to death. Jen was here when I had Kamryn so she got to see her for a little bit, thanks for coming Jen it was so much fun.
We decided to bless Kamryn on the 4th of July so our parents flew out and hung out with us for the blessing and we loved every minute of their visit.

We then decided to spend the 24th of July with Amanda and Craig so we drove up to their house and stayed with them for the weekend and it was a blast. We ended up going to a carnival and the kids had so much fun. We just love our visits with them. Haylie and Jaycee are the best of friends and are just soo cute together and Brayden just loves Craig.

Since then we have tried to see a couple of the sights so maybe next time when family comes and they ask us what is fun to do around here we can tell them. One weekend we drove down to Cape Cod and spent the afternoon in a little town called Woods Hole. It was just one of those little towns that you could walk through the shops and enjoy the nice coastal air. It was nice to actually have some family time. We then went to a place called the Lobster Pot for dinner and ate some seafood.
Then just last weekend we decided to spend time with Amanda and Craig again and we met up at York Beach up in Maine. Just right on the border of Maine and New Hampshire. The weather was perfect and Brayden had a blast playing in the waves. Haylie loved playing in the sand and trying to build sand castles. After the beach we went to a fun little Mexican restaurant called "Loco Coco's Tacos" and I had the best taco salad ever. After that we said goodbye to Amanda and Craig and drove home. We had sooo much fun, thanks guys for spending the day hanging out with us.

On another note Brayden is just loving school and can't wait to go every morning. He is in 2nd grade at Pelham Elementary School here in Pelham, New Hampshire. He is doing awesome and making friends.
While he is at school I am having a blast spending some alone time with my cute girls. I promise I will start adding posts more often so you won't have to hear me ramble on for so long.


  1. I am so glad you were able to figure out enough to post. I am loving the pics, I cannot believe how big the kids have gotten. It seems like its been so long. Love ya and miss ya. Keep up the postin. Yall look great and the scenery is just beautiful!
    P.S. Little Kamryn is too adorable. I cannot believe she is almost 4 months old :(

